I’m Kate, I am an assistant professor of philosophy at Metropolitan State University of Denver

My philosophy research is centered around ethics & inquiry: how can we properly seek out knowledge while treating one another well? My philosophical areas of expertise include ethics, epistemic justice, and moral emotions

I also focus on areas within applied ethics. In particular, I teach and research topics related to medical ethics and computer ethics, and I am always interested in the ethical implications of emerging technologies.

Recent Activity…

Batman Never Kills: Envisioning the Moral Costs of Violence in Popular Culture (Conference Talk)

At the Central APA conference, I am giving a talk on violence in popular culture. I examine how violence is portrayed in superhero media, where violence is often seen as a useful tool. Different ethical approaches are also reflected in different portrayals of superheroes: Batman has rules, but some other portrayals are more aligned with utilitarian or virtue ethics. I argue that our media reveals different perspectives on the costs of violence. Looking at these examples of superhero media reveals different messages about the value of nonviolence.